I was tracked by the goons for being harmless,
I was tracked by the policemen for being not harmless,
I was tracked by the society for being asocial,
And I was tracked by the antisocial for being asocial,
I was tracked by the asocial for becoming socially and antisocially asocial.
I was tracked by the animal lovers for patting a stray dog with muddy hands,
and I was tracked by the watchmen for loving the street heir.
I was tracked by the shadows for living in light,
and the light tracked me for turning to see who was behind.
I was tracked by the kids for being adult,
and the adults tracked me for not acting like adult.
I was tracked by the prospective groom to make his nights,
and I was tracked by the marriage bureau for they represted the groom's side.
I was tracked by my parents for having an affair,
and I was tracked down by my boyfriend's mysterious woman
I was tracked by life for being scared,
I was tracked down by death for it was in direct competition with life dear.
I was tracked by a distant lawyer for inheriting the chest of treasure,
and I was tracked by poor for handling my treasure affair,
I was tracked by the rich for becoming super rich
and I am still being tracked by my thoughts to write this blog.
I am being tracked by spammers for spamming me,
Communist track me for tracking the tracks,
Capitalist track me for being tracked by communist.
Liberals track me because I advocate rights and yet am a straight which for them is a disguise.
I am tracked by guys for having sexy lips
and I am tracked my girls for having sexy lips,
The social network tracks me for having a profile.
The thoughts track me for having a mind,
Air tracks me for having life,
The underworld tracks me for not having anyone else to track
and the moon tracks me because I just got new tracking shoes
My adrenaline tracks me to the unknown,
My fear tracks me from the known,
The cartoonist tracked me to make a cartoon
Ahhh and so became the united tracking universe
and now the authors track me for uniting the world.